It is with much elation that we can advise dental practices nationwide have been moved to level 1. This means we can now provide all dental services with no restrictions to our patients who are feeling well, have not been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 or returned from overseas from 15 March 2020 within 2 weeks of their appointment.
Patients who required any fillings but weren’t able to have these completed need to book an appointment as soon as possible to ensure any cavities don’t get any larger, resulting in further, more extensive treatment.
Likewise, patients who required root canals or crowns also need to get these procedures completed as soon as practical. If left too long this could result in ultimately losing the tooth! Something we want to avoid at all costs.
Routine cleaning is the procedure we weren’t able to do for the longest amount of time, due to the required equipment. This means many of our patients missed out on their regular six-month appointment. Routine cleaning is essential in ensuring our teeth and gums are kept healthy.
If you know you had an appointment that either needed to be cancelled, postponed or rescheduled be sure to give us a call to discuss booking in as soon as you are able. Even if you didn’t have one of these appointments or you aren’t sure, give us a call and we would be happy to check for you and inform you of any treatment required or appointments coming up in future.
Our patients are our number one priority so our team are working hard to ensure all our patients get their necessary treatment and to ensure we transition back into normality as smoothly as possible. Please call us at Coomera Dental Centre 07 5580 4811 to make an appointment or alternatively book with us online.