As the New Year is in full swing it’s the perfect time to reconsider some of those naughty habits, and consider how they may affect your smile. Did you know a high sugar diet can increase your risk of tooth decay? Sugar feeds the bacteria living in plaque on the teeth, causing decay and gum disease. The higher your sugar intake in your diet the higher the risk of decay.
It is recommended that adults and children shouldn’t consume more than 10% of their daily energy intake from sugar. This means:
- Age 4-6 – 19 grams (5 cubes) of sugar per day
- Age 7-10 – 24 grams (6 cubes)
- Age 11+ – 30 grams (7 cubes).
Sugar can be found in every day food and drinks such as chips, fruit roll ups, coca cola lemonade and even fruit juices. These food items can be replaced with healthier alternatives such as drinks low in sugar or water. It is important to be mindful of the ingredients that we consume on a daily basis and also how we look after our teeth at home.
A regular dental hygiene routine at home is recommended to help to prevent decay and gum disease. This includes brushing twice a day and flossing daily. It is also important to keep up with regular check-up and clean appointments with us at Coomera Dental Centre to ensure any decay is detected early to prevent any toothaches in the future and maintain a healthy smile.